A subscriber asked for the complete list of books I recommended as pre-reads from Day Zero to Day 30. So here it is… organized not by day but by which books I'd recommend you read first, second, third, etc.. and I've shuffled biz and non-biz books.
If you don’t want to watch this on Tiktok or YouTube, here’s the full transcript.
I go through books like honey butter so here are my best-of-the-best for the year.
Another YouTube transcription— this time for a walk on Securities Lending.
All the designers I’ve ever known rationalize their changes as benefiting their clients– making their product more intuitive.
One of my YouTube subscribers asked for a walk on Prime Brokerage but I realized that I couldn’t talk about it without using Hedge Funds as the business context. So… two explainers in one!
11th in my YouTube series “Find Something Better to Do” - based on things I tell my kids:
Wealth Managers do so much more than asset allocation (the function of Robo Advisors).
SocialMedia++ needs to mature commercially but not in the way vested parties think.
A set of posters to encourage that one person we all have in our lives who needs a nudge.
I’m not a fan of all the cloud-comparison content that already exists out there because they all inevitably land on “It depends.” Which is lame.